7 Links to Local Authority Development Plans

At the moment Suffolk Coastal District Council are in the process of producing a Local Development Framework (LDF) which will replace the old system of 'Local Plans'.

Individual communities have been encouraged to prepare Parish Plans and SCDC has said that realistic plans can help influence the Local Development Framework and help it meet the needs of individual communities. They further stated that "Parish and Town Councils can lead the preparation of such plans but they need to demonstrate that they have the support and involvement of the community at large."

The LDF, when completed, will consist of a suite of documents that together will guide the future development of the district and be used in the determination of planning applications. The first and the key document to be produced is the 'Core Strategy (including Development Control policies)'. This document has already been the subject of the first stages of the consultation process in a document entitled 'Core Strategy Issues and Options' in February 2007 and a 'Further Issues and options' document on potential areas for growth to the area east of Ipswich and at Felixstowe/Walton and the Trimley Villages in February 2008.

It is proposed that most new development will be directed to sustainable locations in accordance with a settlement hierarchy consisting of: Major centres, Market towns, Key Service centres, Local Service centres, Other Villages and the Countryside. While the preferred options document may have changes to this hierarchy, in terms of where each settlement fits in, the settlement classification and attributes should be the same. In the draft LDF, Playford is classified as an 'Other village', Great Bealings a 'Local Service Centre' and Little Bealings a 'Local Service Centre'.

The LDF is developing a strategy for the provision of housing in that part of the county east of Ipswich up until 2021. By that time approximately 1,000 additional houses will be required in this area. All three parishes are agreed that the preservation of the rural nature of these parishes and their current environment should be preserved and not threatened by any of these developments. They also agree that there should be no developments on the north side of the A1214 in Playford.

The original proposals of the Core Strategy Group considered five areas for this housing, one of which included that referred to in Playford. However, after consultation, it has been agreed that the major development should only take place in the area of Martlesham around the BT site. If this policy is adhered to, there should be no threat of inappropriate development in our three parishes.

For the purposes of any further developments, Little Bealings and Playford are happy with their proposed classification. Great Bealings has asked to be reclassified as an 'Other Village'. For more details, refer to the SCDC Local Development Framework website.

Planning Policy Statement 12, issued July 2008, refers to the role of local parish and community plans. It says:

"An opportunity is provided for local parish planning to be more influential, whether in the shape of a parish plan or through a different model, provided that this planning involves the LPA from the outset and works with the LPA on the process. PPS12 permits the implementation of Supplementary Planning Documents (detailed planning documents to underpin the Development Plan Documents) which can be informed by community plans. Community level planning is recognised as beneficial to community involvement, a sense of belonging and ownership. In any event, LPAs are urged to 'pay close attention' to non-statutory community plans as part of their community involvement."

